Saturday, 10.09.2022 - 18:00 o'clock | HfMT Köln

Yesterday’s Tomorrow
Soundlinks meets speGTRa Festival

In the Oeuvre by Sergio Assad from Chicago beats the pulse of time. The prominent Brazilian Artist in Residence of the speGTRA Festival wrote “Yesterday's Tomorrow" for guitar quartet and choir with lyrics in five languages, emphasizing the global and human existential themes in this program. Other works – especially "Piatã" and "Ruil" – make a concrete reference to the situation of the indigenous peoples and the nature conservation in the Amazonia and the southern hemisphere. Video projections effectively accompany an extraordinary scenario with vocal, acoustic and electric guitar sounds.

In this cooperation concert, the SoundLinks Festival and the speGTRa Festival bring together international artists such as Quartuor Eclisses, vocal ensemble Caleidon under the direction of Johannes Honecker, Duo Hans-Werner Huppertz and Vicente Bögeholz in addition to the Cologne Guitar Quartet.